Personal Profile

I am a reliable person and a team player. I am a curious person, who is eager to learn. I am a mathematician through and through; always thinking about puzzles. Specifically, I have been educated as an arithmetic geometer and I have a broad interest that stretches from category theory and proof assistants to number theory.


2020-02 - 2023-11MSc Computer Science
UniversityDelft University of Technology
TrackSoftware Technology
ThesisUnderstanding and formalizing the paper Classical lambda calculus in modern dress
2018-09 - 2023-02MSc Mathematics
UniversityLeiden University
TrackAlgebra, Geometry and Number Theory
ThesisStrong Approximation for a Family of Quadratic Surfaces
2022-07Summer School on Univalent Mathematics
OrganisationScuola Matematica Interuniversitaria (SMI)
2015-09 - 2018-07BSc Computer Science
UniversityDelft University of Technology
2015-09 - 2018-07BSc Mathematics
UniversityDelft University of Technology
ThesisHoe centrale groepsuitbreidingen ontstaan uit oppervlaktes van driehoeken
 (How central group extensions arise from the notion of area of triangles)
Additional coursesVakdidactiek Wiskunde, Didactische vaardigheden, Orienterende stage, Onderwijskunde


2021-07 - 2022-06Treasurer
 Board year
OrganisationE.S.V. Ichthus Leiden
Main responsibilitiesManaging finances, managing some committees, representation towards the PKvV,
 general board member duties
What I learned/improvedBookkeeping, assertiveness, social skills, working in a team
2018-08 - 2021-08Software Engineer
Main responsibilitiesDeveloping and maintaining all kinds of back-end systems that supported
 or improved daily operations
What I learned/improvedWorking in a team, technical skills related to web development
2016-11 - 2017-03Teaching Assistant
UniversityDelft University of Technology
CoursesIntroduction to Programming (Mathematics)
 Computer Networks (Computer Science)
Main responsibilitiesAssisting students with and grading them on the practical assignments
What I learned/improvedWorking with students


Windows, LinuxI have a dual boot setup on my laptop.
SagemathI worked a lot with sage during my master’s thesis.
LaTeXI have worked extensively with LaTeX over the course of my bachelor’s and master’s programs.
Coq, LeanI worked with these proof assistants for the summer school, a university course and especially my thesis (coq).
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, …I have worked with a variety of languages for hobby projects, study and work.
DutchDutch is my native language.
EnglishMy proficiency in English is between level C1 and C2.

Professional Memberships

I was a member of the \textbf{Royal Dutch Mathematical Society} (Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap) from 2020 till 2023.